9 Software Text Editor Terbaik Untuk Pemrograman Web

Dalam belajar pemograman Web kita tidak terlepas dengan yang nama nya coding, nah untuk menulis coding tersebut maka diperlukan sebuah Text Editor, untuk tempat menulis kode program juga untuk membuat file-file web nya seperti file HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, dan lain sebagainya. Ada banyak sekali text editor yang bisa kita unduh dari internet, ada yang gratis ada juga yang berbayar. Pada kesempatan kali ini Point Website akan berbagi informasi mengenai 9 Text Editor Terbaik untuk Pemrograman Web. Mari kita lihat list text editor berikut ini :

1. PSPad

Gambar tampilan software PSPad

PSPad adalah freeware editor untuk sistem operasi Windows yang sederhana dan canggih. Editor ini memiliki fitur embedded spell checker, syntax high lighting dan mendukung banyak tipe file dan bahasa. Mudah dalam instalasi dan mudah dalam penggunaannya. PSPad memiliki HEX editor, Project Support, FTP Client, Macro Recorder, File Search/replace Options, Code Explorer dan masih banyak lagi.

2. Vim
Gambar tampilan software Vim

Vim merupakan salah satu text editor yang sangat powerful dan populer. Editor ini sangat fleksible dan mudah dikonfigurasi untuk efisiensi dalam editing teks. Vim merupakan pengembangan dari Vi editor yang dibuat untuk UNIX system. Editor ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai macam bentuk bahasa pemrograman hingga teks editor sederhana yang disebut evim atau Easy Vim. Vim tidak menyediakan WYSIWYG editing, tetapi bekerja dengan sangat baik dengan TeX. Versi modern dan canggih dari Vim adalah Cream, yang tersedia untuk Windows, dengan lisensi GNU/Linux dan Free BSD.

3. Bluefish

Gambar tampilan software Bluefish

Bluefish merupakan salah satu text editor yang paling populer dan terbaik untuk development hingga saat ini. Text editor yang ringan ini mendukung pengembangan HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, PHP, C, Javascript, Java, SQL, Perl, ColdFusion, JSP, Python, Ruby dan Shell. Dirilis dengan lisensi GNU GPL, dan pengembangan proyek open source ini dapat berjalan di sebagian besar POSIX compatible OS termasuk Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS-X, OpenBSD dan Solaris.

4. TextPad

Gambar tampilan software TextPad

Didesain untuk dapat memberikan performa yang tinggi. TextPad dapat mengedit file berukuran besar hingga batas 32 bit virtual memory. Ini adalah text editor dasar yang dengan user interfce multi language : English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, dan Spanish. Multi file dapat diedit secara bersamaan dan ada spell checker dengan kosakata kamus dari 10 bahasa merupakan salah satu dari fiturnya. Yang lainnya adalah shift, block indentation, transposing word, line, selain fitur umum cut, copy dan paste.

5. Notepad++

Gambar tampilan software Notepad++

Text Editor yang satu ini hampir sama seperti notepad namun dengan adanya fitur tambahan yaitu adanya penomoran baris dan bisa membuka banyak file sekaligus (dalam tab). Ringan, mudah digunakan dan tentunya gratis.

Platform : Windows

6. Komodo Edit

Gambar tampilan software Komodo Edit

Jika sobat membutuhkan sebuah text editor gratis yang mirip dengan sublime text saya rasa komodo edit adalah salah satunya, dengan fitur yang cukup banyak dan juga cukup ringan digunakan (saya sendiri menggunakannya) juga kita bisa memilih tema untuk tampilan editor ini.

Platform: Windows/OS X/Linux

7. Atom

Gambar tampilan software Atom

Hampir mirip dengan Komodo Edit, Atom text editor memiliki banyak fitur hanya saja menurut saya penggunaanya cukup berat.

Platform: OS X, Windows 7 & 8, Linux

8. Brackets

Gambar tampilan software Brackets

Text Editor gratis dari adobe ini juga memiliki kemiripan dengan Komodo Edit dan Atom hanya saja bracket lebih dikhususkan untuk tujuan web design dan front-end development, dengan fitur live preview, quick edit color dan css, juga dengan adanya dukungan extension.

Platform: Windows/OS X/Linux

9. Aptana Studio

Gambar tampilan software Aptana Studio

Sebuah IDE yang dikembangkan oleh Eclipse yang memiliki banyak kelebihan, mendukung banyak bahasa pemrograman, Git Integration, SQL database tool, server tail views, javascript debugger dan multi-preview browser.

Platform : Windows/OS X/Linux

Sekian informasi tentang Text Editor ini silahkan dipilih yang mana teman-teman mau memakai nya dan selamat mencoba.


  1. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  2. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  3. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  4. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  5. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  6. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  7. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  8. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  9. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  10. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  11. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

  12. A Plain Text Editor
    Plain Text files
    That's right, if you're writer on a budget, you don't need to spend any money buying expensive writing software or apps. Instead, you can use the text editor that comes free with your operating system.
    Just open up Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac. I like plain text editors for writing something short quickly and easily, without thinking much about it. I wrote a blog post about the benefits of using plain text editors as writing software.
    Use for: writing whatever, wherever

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